While tooling around on the web, dumping extraneous software I never use off my computer and downloading new software, I stumbled across a new application which takes your words and makes this cool word cloud out of them. As you can tell, I’m easily entertained especially on a slow Saturday:)
Usually you put in tons of text, but since I didn’t feel like coming down with a bout of carpal tunnel, I put in the url for this blog, and the blurb for two of my stories Forever, I Do and Charmed. And this is what the program came up with. It seems it took the most current post to make the cloud. Just click on the image and it will take you to a larger version of it.
My Blog
Forever, I Do
I’m sure Jonathan Feinberg created the application just for fun or as another means of art, but its also a great tool for writers to pinpoint redundant words we seem to miss even with the FIND/REPLACE function.
Give your text a spin at Wordle then if you like come back and paste the code they give you:)
I thought it was pretty cool too. You can create them put your name and then it goes into this universal gallery so maybe it can generate readers. Doesn't hurt since it takes 30 seconds.
I am so going to use this. I love it!