Hey gang I was recently interviewed by Romance Junkies and they posted it today! Here is a snippet of it: Hi Koko, and welcome!…
Koko Brown
Aliyah BurkeHeroesKoko BrownSapphire Bluescribes unleashed
Heroes We Love and Special Live Chat with Mr. Romance 2005 Andrei Claude This Week!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownYou’re Invited to Scribes Unleashed’sHeroes We Love Week!December 1-5, 2008 Come over to Scribes Unleashed Yahoo Group as we discuss our favorite leading men…
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that my new author group -Scribes Unleashed are going to start hosting a themed…
Hey guys, I’m working on the final (thankgoodness) edits for a resubmittal to an editor and was in a conundrum regarding the opening for…
Aliyah BurkeKoko BrownSapphire Bluescribes unleashedworld premiere
One More Day Until Our World Premiere
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI. AM. SO. EXCITED! It’s only one more day until the world premiere of Scribes Unleased, a dynamic author group made of five to…
It’s a world premiere and you’re invited! What is Scribes Unleashed? A group of five fabulous, multicultural erotic authors! Why Scribes Unleashed? To present…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Nominated for Erotic Romance – Interracial/Multicultural Cover of the Year
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownHelly guys! I just found out that someone nominated my cover for Romance_Erotica_Connections Yahoo Group’s REC Awards under the Multicultural/Interracial Best Covers for 2008!…
I just wanted to share with you one of the scariest Happy Halloween Myspace comments I’ve seen so far! Subscribe in a reader
Just wanted to let you all know that I will be participating in Savannah Chase’s Halloween Party tomorrow and expected to be big ya’ll!!!…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
New Interview on Loose-Id Author Blogspot!!!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownHey everybody! I just wanted to share a taste of a recent interview now posted on Loose-Id’s Author Blog ! What genre do you…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
If Charmed were made into a movie…hmmm
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI heard from one of my readers Wynetta today who enjoyed my newest release Frozen In Time. But the most enjoyable thing about her…
Well I’m finally back from my trip to Eastern Europe, which was a BLAST by the way! Funny thing is I also came back…
FROZEN IN TIME BY KOKO BROWNMy second novel FROZEN IN TIME was released today at midnight from Loose-Id Publishing. Here is an excerpt taken…
I know it’s sad but today I’m posting promos for my upcoming release Frozen in Time to be released tomorrow from Loose-Id. All while…
BLOGOfficial Website of Author Koko Brown
Interview with a…Virile Viking
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownInterview with a virile viking is an intimate interview with my hero Eirik Siggurdson warlord, reformed berserker, and conqueror of my heroine’s heart in…