Like most people, I love spring cleaning. Instead of tackling my closet,which I did at the beginning of the year, I decided to overhaul the look of my blog and reintroduce a stand alone website.
A little over a year ago I forwarded my primary website url address to my account and solely relied on my blog to promote my books for the past year.
Yes, you can call my dependence on my blog lazy, but considering I maintain no less than 35 social networking sites on any given day, I needed to mainstream my online efforts. So much so that due to my enormous online presence hawking everything from a beachside destination to vintage clothing to interracial romance novels, I don’t have any personal profiles anywhere on the internet.
So all you people out there who know me personally, now you understand why I never responded to your LinkedIn, Foursquare, Beebo, etc. requests. I just don’t have the time to be me.
If you want to follow Koko Brown, she has a facebook profile and she accepts requests for friendship:)