The Swirl Awards will celebrate Loving Day this year with an online Blog Hop on June 12, 2013. And yours truly will be celebrating right along with them. The Blog Hop is being advertised as a celebration along with dozens of other events that will take place around the country to mark the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Loving vs.Virginia, which struck down anti-miscegenation laws in the United States.
Dozens of authors and review sites will be participating in this day-long event featuring articles/posts revolving around the Swirl/Loving theme. All the participants are also giving way free books/other prizes. Right now, it’s a toss up about what I’m going to write about. I’m wavering between interracial dating in general to a historical article about one of the first documented interracial relationships in Florida.
For more information about the blog hop visit the Swirl Awards website: