Not sure how many people are following my blog, but I wanted to apologize for not writing anything on here in the past few…
Koko Brown
authorbooksBriana St. JamesCarnal MovesDance of Desireellora's cavePublishing
"Pookie’s Adventure" Nixed by Management
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownAs you all probably know from an earlier post, I recently sold my demon hunter story to Ellora’s Cave. Unfortunately,the manuscript’s title, To Dance…
Antoni GaudiBarcelonaEl Nuevo MercadoMadridOfficial Website of Author Koko BrownZaraboza
Europe or bust!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownWell, I promised to share with the pictures of my recent trip to Europe. Unfortunately, since I took so many I’ve decided to break the photos into five different slide…
dahlia rosedemon hunterellora's caveOfficial Website of Author Koko Brown
My Editor Liked It!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI just settled in after ten hours and two flights from Europe and while checking through my email, I noticed a reply from one…
At the start of every year, many of set goals in which we want to accomplish within the span of twelve long months. Like many…
Excerpt One: “You will not regret this. I will make you the happiest woman that ever lived.” He brought his lips to hers and…
Holden Caufieldjd salingerOfficial Website of Author Koko BrownThe Catcher and the Rye
Literature Loses One Its Best…J.D. Salinger Dies at 91
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownToday the literary world has lost one of its icons, J.D. Salinger. As the author of The Catcher in the Rye, Mr. Salinger was…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Red Sage Publishing Starts New Year With A New Look!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownRed Sage Publishing Starts New Year With A New Look! While plodding through email this morning, I ran across an email from Teresa…
Digital Rights ManagementDRMOfficial Website of Author Koko BrownU.S. Border Customs amp; Border Patrol
Will The Feds Interest in Copyright Infringement Spell Relief For Authors?
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownIn response to the recent debacle over the Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA) security manual being posted online for everyone in the world to see, the…
ageismfeminismfilmhollywoodno oscars for old womenOfficial Website of Author Koko Brown
No Oscars For Old Women
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownIf there was ever anthem for feminist film the title of a brand new blog entitle “No Oscars For Old Women” is it!…
Happy new year everyone! Yes, I’m up bright and early because I’m ready to start this brand new year which will be filled…
author brandingbooksfacebookgoogle real-time searchOfficial Website of Author Koko Brownrachel haucksarah evanssweet by and by
Author Branding With Facebook
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownLast week Facebook users received an open letter from Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg thanking them for being one of 350 million members. So, what…
HarlequinHollywood Book TrailerKathryn and Craig hallNeiman MarcusOfficial Website of Author Koko BrownTwilight
Harlequin Horizons Just Misses Neiman Marcus’ Christmas Wish Book
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownHarlequin Limited Enterprises has just launched a new division, Harlequin Horizons. According to their website this new line is their self-publishing division, “that offers…
a psychic hitchBekki Lynnbook trailerbook trailer tutorialBuffy vs. Edwardj hali steeleOfficial Website of Author Koko Brownseostreet car named desiretubemogulwith extra creamyou tubezombieland
"How Authors…Well Actually Anyone Can Squeeze More out of YouTube"
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownToday my odyssey into SEO for authors continues with a few tricks to improve your visibility on YouTube. Most of you all already know…