While tinkering with my ping.fm account, I came across one of the coolest applications I’ve seen in like 3 days which aims to help…
Koko Brown
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Is Myspace Dead?
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownAccording to the technorati, Myspace is a sitting duck. And people in the digital industry are waiting for the day when it will be blown…
facebookmyspaceOfficial Website of Author Koko Brownping.fmtweet alarmtwitter
Oooh…Let’s Go A Little Deeper Into Twitter
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownAs some of you already know, I’m using my author blog to share what I’ve learned from my daily forays into the ever changing world…
Official Website of Author Koko Browntweettwitter
Tricks-Of-Tweeting for the Digitally Impaired
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownBesides being a multipublished author, I also work 9-5 as a New Media specialist for a medium size destination and attend several conferences throughout the…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Vampires Just Got Hotter! NYT bestseller to Enter the Fray
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownVampires just got hotter. How can they you ask? Well, Stephen King will finally take a plunge into the last frontier by releasing his…
Koko BrownOfficial Website of Author Koko Brown
Vampires Get Slashed @ Elloras Cave…
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownIn celebration of All Hallow’s Eve, Ellora’s Cave has discounted all of their vampire ebooks 15% until October 31st! That’s right those nocturnal sexy beasts that we…
Cosmopolitan Magazinehookupsex on a first datethe randy recliner
How Single Men Think…Supposedly, I’m an Expert
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownWhile peddling around on Cosmopolitan Magazine’s online website checking out the newest fasions, updating myself on the sexual position of the day —The Randy…
Charmeddiscounted titlesebookellora's cavevampires
Vampires Slashed @ Ellora’s Cave Now’s The Time To Buy!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownIn celebration of All Hallow’s Eve, Ellora’s Cave has discounted all of their vampire ebooks 15% until October 31st! That’s right those nocturnal sexy beasts that we…
jonathan feinbergword cloudwordle
Word Clouds Are Beautiful…Fun…Even Useful!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownWhile tooling around on the web, dumping extraneous software I never use off my computer and downloading new software, I stumbled across a new…
angeloBobbie Smith ChallengeDee BriceEC cover modelsEve Vaughnj hali steelejory strongmr. romanceRegina Carlyslerodneyromantic times conventionromanticon 2009ruby storm
Romanticon 2.0
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI finally made it home! I don’t want to see a gray security bucket for at least six months. Unfortunately no such luck I’ll…
ellora's caveEve VaughnfetishPsychadelicromanticon 2009Sherri Kingtarot cards
Romanticon 1.0
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI know this is late, but at least Romanticon isn’t over and I can still report to you what’s been going on. As you…
akronand Liz Andrewsbooksellora's caveEve VaughninterracialLena Matthewsmulticulturalohioromanticon 2009
Ohio or Bust!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownWell, I finally made a plane on time. Must have been because I was so excited about Ellora Cave’s Romanticon Reader’s Convention this weekend…
Strange headline? I know…. I guess an explanation is in order. A few days ago I flew up to Toronto to attend the Toronto…
contemporaryellora's caveinterracialLena MatthewsLoose-idmulticulturalparanormalpocket booksscribes unleashedYahoo
Spend An Evening With Multipublished Author Lena Matthews!!!!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownSpend an evening with the authors of Scribes Unleashed as we chat with multi published author LENA MATTHEWS on Thursday, September 17 @ 6PM…
Just wanted to share a photo from my morning jog along the Indian River. Makes my daily workout a little more bearable. Subscribe in…