I guess the title drew your attention. I know it might be a little bit of a stretch, but anytime Eve Vaughn is in…
Koko Brown
I received my first issue of Romantic Times (September 09) this afternoon and while flipping through the reviews, I came across a review for…
authorinterracialLoose-idmulticulturalphazered rose publishingshape-shifterzena wynn
Guest Author Zena Wynn to Visit Scribes Unleashed August 6th!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownRomance Author Zena Wynn will be a guest author on the Scribes Unleashed Author Yahoo Group this coming Thursday, August 6 @ 7p.m. Zena…
Just Erotic Romance ReviewsRed sage PublishingromanceThe Merry WidowVictorian England
Firnally…My First Five Star Review From JERR!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownThe Merry Widow, my older woman/younger man Victorian romance just received a 5 star review from Just Erotic Romance Rewiew…and I’m tickled pink even…
What’s hotter than a romance cover model? A romance cover model with the brains to control their own image! Yesterday, I received an email…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Book Reviews: Do They Influence Your Purchase Decision?
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownLast week-end, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was the biggest box office draw in the U.S. grossing over $200 million domestically, since it’s opening…
3 Seas AgencyBerkley/JoveElaine SpencerRoberta BrownRomance Writer's of AmericasamhainThe Knight AgencyTORby Koko Brownby Koko Brown
It’s that time of year again! My local Romance Writers of America chapter, Space Coast Authors of Romance, is accepting submissions for their 2008…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Author Chat Tomorrow with Marilyn Lee!!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownHey gang! My author group Scribes Unleashed will have an author chat with the godmother of interracial romance on Wednesday, June 24 beginning at…
It’s time again for the annual Writerspace Beach Party, to celebrate summer and find some terrific beach reads for this year’s vacation! So please…
Publishing ContractRomance Writer's of AmericaWriter's Contest
Steamy Scene May Lead To Publishing Contract
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownAre you an aspiring author? Have you written a steamy love scene that’s a scene stealer? Why not enter the Maryland Romance Writers Reveal…
15th AnniversaryAlice GainesAnne RaineyCalista Foxdiscounted titlesMerry WidowNatalie GrayNatasha MooreRed sage Publishing
15 Years, 15 Books, for only $1.50!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownTo celebrate their Fifteenth Anniversary, my publisher Red Sage Publishing is throwing a party the entire month of June! So, each week they have…
My Dell Mini computer arrived today. And its really, really small. In fact it’s even smaller than one of my vintage Gucci clutch bags.…
dellethenetlaptopmini computernotebook
Yipee Kayah! Get Along Little Notebook!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI just wanted to share that I broke down today and bought my self one of those mini Dell notebooks today. For a long…
It’s official…I’m going to Romanticon 2009! What exactly is Romanticon you may ask? Well, Romanticon is Ellora Cave’s inaugural reader’s convention, which seemed to…
This morning I picked up the June 2009 issue of Romantic Times magazine we received last week during the 2009 RT Convention in Orlando.…