Whoo Hoo! I just found out Forever, I Do jumped 12 whole spots to land in top 10 Bestseller list on All Romances Ebooks…
Koko Brown
April MartinezartistchatCover Artliquid silverLoose-idsamhainscribes unleashed
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownVIP chat Wednesday, April 29 in Scribes Unleashed’s Private Chat Room with cover artist extrodinaire, April Martinez from 7pm-9pm EST! April consistantly designs beautiful…
Christmascover modelsfairyRomantic Times Book Reviews Magazine
It’s Christmas…no it’s just Romantic Times Again!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownToday feels like Christmas. Yes, it might be the middle of April, but I woke up with visions of fairy costumes, cover models in…
All Romance eBooksbestseller listFrozen in TimeKoko Brownvikings
Frozen In Time Hits ARe’s Bestseller List!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownFrozen in Time Hits All Romance Ebooks ~ Top 4 Bestseller List for Time-Travel Hey gang! I’m estatic that my 2008 release, Frozen In…
eroticaMarilyn Leescribes unleashed
The Godmother of Interracial Erotica To Land on Scribes Unleashed
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownMarilyn was feeling under the weather tonight, so the chat will be rescheduled for next month. Make sure you look out for it. She’s…
ellora's caveHarlequinKimberly Kaye TerrymulticulturalNew Concepts PublishingPublishingScream My Name
Kimberly Terry Live Chat Tonight!!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownHey gang! I wanted to invite you all to spend an evening with Scribes Unleashed’s special Yahoo! live chat guest Kimberly Kaye Terry author…
Forever I DoIRomance Studio
FOREVER, I DO Up for Best 5 Heart Review This Week
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownExercise Your Right To Vote!The Romance Studio is having a contest for your favorite 5 Heart Sweetheart Review for this week! And Forever, I…
Forever I DoKoko BrownRomance StudioRRTErotic
1…2…Reveiw Punch for Forever, I Do!!
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownOne of my recent releases, Forever, I Do received not one, but two great reviews this week! Forever, I do is a multicultural paranormal…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Piracy Boomerangs, Bites Thief In His Pension
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownAnyone familiar with Yahoo! knows that they post the top four most buzzed about stories swirling around the Internet. And yes, I am guilty…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
Discussion on May/December Relationships
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownWe’re having a discussion on May/December relationships on our Yahoo Group Scribes Unleasehd all day today! If you want to join in on the…
Official Website of Author Koko Brown
The Merry Widow Released April 1! No Kidding
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownMy historical erotic romance The Merry Widow releases Wednesday, April 1 throughRed Sage Publishing! The story is a historical set during the Victorian period…
Just Erotic Romance ReviewsLara SantiagoLoose-idmulticulturalwedding cakewedding planner
First Review for Forever, I Do
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownAgain, Lara Santiago has looked out for your girl! She just sent me a review on Forever, I Do, my February release from Loose-Id.…
When I turn 50, I’m going to make a wish to have some man candy like 50-year old Madonna’s newest boyfriend, brazilian model Jesus…
beauty and the beastred velvetwedding cakewedding plannerworst weddings
When Bad Weddings Happen To Good People
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownIn honor of my one week old release, Forever, I Do from Loose-Id Publishing, I co-hosted a live chat last week in which the…
IndiaKoko BrownPhillipared sageRomance Reader's ConnectionThe Merry WidowVictorian England
Brand Spanking New Review ~ THE MERRY WIDOW
by Koko Brownby Koko BrownI was just on the author loop for Red Sage and found out that my April 1st release, THE MERRY WIDOW has already received…