Sorry guys for not posting a blog for so long but I’ve been under the weather. My diagnosis? Sinusitis bordering on bronchitis. Well, anyway as I pop antibiotics and huff on my inhaler I couldn’t resist passing on some really good news I just received in my in-box!
Angel Brewer from Romance Junkies recently reviewed my debut novel Charmed and gave it FIVE ribbons! Here is a snippet of what she had to say…
“CHARMED was so fantastic that I just had to give it a top rating. Chloe is a character that can relate to every woman out there, just looking for a bit of fun and completely losing her head in the process…KoKo Brown did an extraordinary job combining the paranormal and contemporary aspects and I can’t wait to see what her next book will bring.” To read the entire review clickhere!
For those of you that don’t know, five ribbons is the highest possible rating one can receive. I’m tickled pink.
Have a great and healthy week ya’ll!
Thanks Elle! I'm look forward to it too.
Hi Koko! Blogger didn't like my Livejournal OpenID, so I had to make a blogger ID. If you get a million comments from me, that's why 🙂
Congrats on the awesome review! That would be enough for me to have a not so bad sick day.
I'm really looking forward to doing Fast Draft with you 🙂