In celebration of my upcoming release Frozen in Time (Tuesday, September 30th) from Loose-Id Publishing, I am wallowing in everything Viking for 5whole days! So if you like Vikings as much as I do and a great love story which travels across time, then follow me on this journey!
1 lb lean ground beef
1/2 lb ground pork
2 eggs
1/2 cup oatmeal
1 medium onion, minced
1/2 cup canned evaporated milk
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1 tablespoon butter
krusteaz pancake mix
1. Saute onion in butter until transparent and soft.
2. Mix oatmeal, eggs, and canned milk until combined. Mix the beef and pork together then add the oatmeal mixture, onions and spices. Beat with a mixer until fluffy.
3. Using 1/3 to 1/2 cup of meat mixture (depending on how big you want your Vikings) form a ball. Place meat balls on a baking sheet or pan. Cook in a 400°F oven for about 15 minutes until done. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
4.When the meatballs are cool enough to handle, stick a wooden “popsicle” stick in each one (you can usually buy these at any craft store).
5.Mix the Krusteaz pancake batter with water, make it thicker than usual so that it will coat and stick to the meatballs.
6. Hold the meatball by the wooden stick and dip it into the batter, then drop it into a deep fat fryer with oil heated to 375°F Roll it around so all the sides cook evenly. Cook until golden brown. Remove from oil and drain on a plate covered with paper towels.
7. Serve with ketchup, mustard or what ever you want!
Thanks Cello! I love your book as well. I got it from Amazon last weekend.
That sounds like something im going to try this weekend, I am tired of eating ramen day after day 🙂
I read the excert from your book…along with a co worker over my shoulder, we both loved it!