Hey everybody!
I just wanted to share a taste of a recent interview now posted on Loose-Id’s Author Blog !
What genre do you write in, and why? :
Even though I’m a huge fan of historicals, I seem to mainly write paranormals, which feature an interracial/multicultural relationship. The reason for this is because the genre is really underrepresented and with paranormals you’re pretty free to do anything. And I need that since my stories tend to be really over the top!
What was the first story you ever wrote about? (not nec. first published story) :
The first story I ever wrote was an 80,000 word historical set in during the Harlem Renaissance completed over six months in ‘04. The story focuses on the interracial relationship between a beautiful cabaret singer and an Italian mobster. I shopped this one around a bit, garnered some interest from several publishers and agents, but alas no contract.
Where did your most unusual plot idea come from? :
My most unusual plot idea came from a Chinese folk tale about an incubus. I turned the tale into an erotic kabuki play the main characters are watching. It’s used as a turning point between the hero and the heroine where she finally decides to forgive him.
How do you judge the effectiveness of the sensual scenes in your stories? :
I know this may sound naughty, but if the scene turns me on then I know I’ve done my job.
Do you ever try out the sexual positions you write to make sure of accuracy? :
Not really, but I will admit that I did a have a muse who indulged me with his wild escapades every now and then. One of his experiments turned up in my debut novel Charmed.
Ever been told, Um…sweetie, that’s not how it works? :
Heck no! Usually its where did you learn that!
What one word best describes your toy collection? :
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